Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, as I did. But, I will say, I've noticed something about this Christmas that I haven't really felt before. Actually, it's more like the abscence of something I normally DO feel.
I mean...Christmas is over. It already came and went. Just like that. And I feel like I didn't even really get to enjoy it. There really wasn't much build up. Not much anticipation. I didn't even have to rush around like a crazy person to buy gifts at the last minute, because I had all my gifts ordered online, like, three weeks early. It's almost like I didn't even notice it was happening, and now it's gone. *poof*
Anyone else feel like that?
It's a relatable feeling that we all, no doubt, experience many times throughout the course of a year. We are in a fast-paced culture that is on a time-table for everything. Take a look at Halloween, for example. 12 seconds after midnight on the first of November, everyone automatically jumps right into Christmas carols and Santa Clause movie marathons. Pssh!
Thanksgiving is so rushed-over that it barely gets more than the 3 hours it takes to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on NBC. And then, as soon as midnight on December 26 rolls around - BLAMO - it's all about New Year's Eve.
We all know that November and December exist, but they always seem to be such a blur. Suddenly, it's next year...and you have absolutely no idea how you got there.
We have a certain amount of time to spend on each thing that comes, and once it's over, there's no time to linger. No time to reflect or enjoy. It's always immediately on to the next thing. No time to breathe in-between. It's exhausting, isn't it? It is for me.
In an attempt to keep up, I'm working on my New Year's resolutions for 2016. One of which is, of course, getting this blog out there for all you lovely readers to enjoy. But, I have way more than just one resolution for this year.
My rough list thus far is as follows:
1) Get organized in ALL areas of my life (financially, personally, spiritually, etc...)
2) Get healthy in ALL areas of my life
3) Get better at making long-term goals
4) Going to bed earlier and getting up earlier
5) Re-learn how to truly enjoy the little things
Not too shabby for starters. Of course, I'll have to work out the details of HOW to do these things...but that's in process right now as well.
Moral of the story: I have a lot of work to do. BUT, another one of those things I want to do this coming year is develop more perseverance, and continue my quest to conquer fear.
Truth is, there is so much to do...and only a short amount of time to do it. And the world will expect me to have demolished these goals and have new ones ready by next New Year's Eve. But, is that realistic for me? Nope. I would dare say it's not realistic for most normal human beings. Maybe not for ANY human beings.
So then, why the big hurry? Why do we ever only have one year to change ourselves? Seems like way too big a task for such a short time. Isn't there that saying, "Life's a journey, not a destination?" Hmm....maybe we are just thinking about this the wrong way.
I think that perhaps life is indeed a journey AND a destination. Well, many destinations. Each step we take in life is a destination. A goal. A new place. New people. A new facet of ourselves. "Living in the present" calls us to embrace each of these steps. And all of those little "destinations" take us a little further along on the journey. And, the journey eventually gets us back Home. Back with our Father, and our family and friends. And, that's the destination that really matters.
So all of the steps we take in our lives are merely for us, to make the journey Home the best it can be. To make us the best we can be while we're here.
Therefore, I believe it doesn't matter if it takes you one year or 100 to achieve your goals. We are beautiful, messy, amazing works in progress. Truth is, if you are working toward being the best you can be for Christ and the furtherance of His kingdom here on Earth, then you are on the right track. You ARE taking the best path Home. We are not called to be perfect tomorrow. We are imperfect by nature. That's why it's so awesome that Jesus makes up for all our shortcomings by being perfect and holy in every way.
The best part is that if you are in tune with God and setting the sort of goals that please Him, He will be right there helping you make them real. With God, all things are possible and all things work together for the good of those who love Him (even if they don't seem like they are possible OR good at the moment....think of Joshua and Gideon if you want examples of truly impossible situations...but The Lord saw them through too).
Now, with all that in mind, it can be a little overwhelming to choose a good resolution...and even more confusing to figure out HOW to make your goals happen without giving up half-way through. I know that's the process I'm going through right now...even as the New Year has come and gone. I'm still working out the details.
And that's my point. It's okay. We don't have to have the plan perfected by tomorrow. We don't have to have it all figured out yesterday. We just gotta keep our eyes fixed on Him so we can keep going.
So, back to our New Year's Resolutions. We know we're gonna make them, right? So, let's do it.
The trick? Set "real, real life" goals. Be honest with yourself and about yourself. Focus on the steps. Just one at a time. Break them down. Write them down. Prioritize them. Ask for help.
You're not alone. Don't sprint down the path. Don't rush your life. Take your time. Enjoy the process...the journey, and each little "destination" you make it to along the way. Breathe. You've got this.
And, even when you don't, remember - God's got you.
He knows where you're headed. He's the one who made the way.
-- Hebrews 12:1-3 -- "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great crowd of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart."
-- Prov. 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."