Laotchikit, Haiti (2018)
In January of 2018, I got to go on an adventure I was never expecting. The Eternal Shepherd mission committee informed me in December of 2017 that I would be going along with them on our church's first mission trip to Laotchikit, Haiti. I had never been to Haiti before, so I said, "Sure! Let's go!" Before I knew it, I was on my way straight into one of the biggest "God moments" of my life. There were too many incredible experiences on this trip to even begin to describe, but needless to say, I was instantly in love. The people, the language, the culture, the island itself. All beautiful.
While we were there, we brought clothes and toys to the boys and girls who live in the orphan shelters at the Lutheran Church in Laotchikit. Others of our team provided medical treatments to the villagers and taught homiletics to their small school of seminarians. Our church has since committed to help build a school in the neighboring village of Pas Bon Bon. Pastor Walta Clericus was a gracious host and is making big ministry possible all across the small country of Haiti. It was an unforgettable experience for me, and I hope to go back one day!