I was the High School youth leader and Sunday School teacher at Eternal Shepherd Lutheran Church for 9 years. And, I just finished my year-long DCE Internship at Salem Lutheran Church in Orange, CA through Concordia University Irvine. I've done a good bit since my youth ministry journey started ~11 years ago. Here's a look at what I've been up to!
Masters in Theology & Director of Christian Ed. Certification from Concordia University Irvine - 2019
Bachelors in Musical Theatre from Anderson University: South Carolina School of the Arts - 2014
High School Diploma from Oconee Christian Academy - 2010
Demolishing Strongholds (Answers in Genesis)
Battle Cry for My Generation by Ron Luce
Pure Excitement by Joe White
You are God’s Plan A…and there is no Plan B, by Dwight Robertson
Created holiday-themed lessons every year for each holiday
The Reason for God by Timothy Keller
Hey God… (series on prayer/talking with God, written by me)
Waiting Here for You (written by me, based on & incorporating Louie Giglio’s Boy Meets Girl)
Study on The Lord’s Prayer (breaking it down with the Catechism and discussing its true meaning)
Real Talk (a series that answered [anonymous] questions about real life, directly from the teens, created by me)
Thinking it Through…Without Going Crazy (written by me, based on & incorporating The Best Yes by Lysa Terkeurst)
The Genesis Factor (written by me, using resources from Answers in Genesis)
Skit series on The Exodus and skit series on Holy Week (written by me, for VBS in Chevak, AK)
Here I Am To Worship: Meaning, Methods, and Expressions of Worship (written by me using what I learned in Lutheran Worship class, and the book Holy Roar by Chris Tomlin and Brian Whitehead)
Love & Lawttes: A Look At Hipster Christianity (written by me, using the book Hipster Christianity by Brett McCraken)
Coffee Conversations (an extension of the Love & Lawttes program)
Really? by Salem Lutheran Church​
Youth Events:
Overnight Christmas Lock-In
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017
Halloween/Reformation Parties
2013, 2014, 2015, 2017
New Year’s Party (2011)
Back to School Parties each year at the end of summer
Canned food drives
Helping with the Advent Workshop and Easter Egg Hunt (for our little ones) every year
Youth Serve Night with Charity on Wheels
Maundy Thursday Soup-Supper
SSM Christmas Party
2018, 2019​
Youth Group Trips (Fun):
Six Flags (2011)
Carowinds (2012)
Busch Gardens, VA (2014)
Bowling (multiple times)
Movies (for critical viewing & discussion, multiple times)
October Baby, God’s Not Dead, To Save a Life, Cyber Bully, Exodus: Gods and Kings, etc…
Kayaking trip at our local lake
Denver Downs (Corn Maze, 2015 & 2017)
Youth Group Trips (Missions & Educational):
Tending the Flame: S.E.D. Conference - Richmond, VA (*by van)
2012, 2013, 2014, 2018
Local Servant Events
Working with Nothing But Jesus Street Ministry - feeding the homeless in our community
Neighborhood yard work for our shut-ins and others in the community who need help
Caroling/card giving at nursing homes
Delivering Valentines/Christmas cards to our shut-ins
Trip to The Creation Museum & Ark Encounter (2017)
CAN-DO Mission to Chevak, Alaska
2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, (2018 trip is pending*)
Medical Mission to Tegucigalpa, Honduras
2017, 2018
Mission to Laotchikit, Haiti
Camp Lynn Haven (I was the main leader and “solo” female chaperone for this trip)
National Youth Gathering, San Antonio (one of the main coordinators, adult leader and participant)
National Youth Gathering, New Orleans (adult leader)
National Youth Gathering, Minneapolis (primary adult leader)​
Lent Suppers every year (for Alaska mission, Honduras mission, and for other youth group trips)
Easter Breakfast every year
Sock Hop fundraiser
2012, 2014 (?)
Car Wash at Chick-fil-a
Helped organize the Operation Christmas Child Packing Party
2015, 2016, 2017
Walk With A Purpose (program created by me)
Year-long fundraising/awareness effort - our youth chose to help local homes for orphaned/displaced children
Easter Bake Sale​
"Tidying Up" with the NYG Crew - yard sale
Bingo Night

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Church Projects:
Youth Room Re-do
2010, 2013 (relocating the youth room in 2013…painting & redesign)
Purchasing new technology/games for our youth (Wii, ping-pong table, smart TV, etc…)
Nursery Re-do (2016)
Myself and our youth performing special music for service (solos and groups, on Holidays and other days alike)
Painting the new handrails for the outdoor walkways
Church Council Youth Board Chair for 6 years
2010-2013, 2016-2018
Writing monthly(ish) newsletters since 2011 (for our youth bulletin board, bulletin announcements, and ESLC's monthly “Agapegram”)
I have written an article for youthEsource (and will hopefully get to do more of that)
Keeping our youth bulletin board up to date
Buying/finding relevant youth resources on my own to create a library (which is now in our youth room) for our teens to use whenever they need to
Creating and maintaining a Facebook page for the youth group